Creating Photo Albums on an iPad

I am still learning all the neat things I can, and in some cases can't, do with my relatively new iPad 2.  I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to create albums within the photo application on my iPad.  I bought the Camera Connection Kit so I could download pictures directly to my iPad from my digital camera memory card.  But then once I got them on the iPad, I couldn't figure out a way to arrange the pictures and work with them without using some type of outside app.  It turns out right now there isn't a way to create albums the way I wanted to.  However, that appears to be changing shortly. 

I was reading today about the upcoming release of iOS 5.  I found a short video on YouTube that shows how you will be able to create photo albums on the iPad after the iOS 5 release  I can hardly wait for the release so I can start creating my own albums and organizing my photos right on my iPad without using an outside app!


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