The August Break 2013 - Day 1

This year I'm participating in The August Break with Susannah Conway.  From her blog:

How it works:

Each day, for the whole of August, take a photo and share it on your blog. You can add words if you want — or not. You can use any camera. You could share a series of photos, or miss a day out, or just post on weekends. There are no real rules, basically. This is all about being present and enjoying taking photos just for the hell of it. And perhaps reinvigorating your love for blogging, and/or taking a break from writing.

She's included a list of daily photo prompts to help those of us who might need some inspiration.  Today's theme is "breakfast".



  1. My son loves those, they are a bit too sweet for me.
    Lynne x

    1. I have to drink them with lots of skim milk to cut the sweetness!


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