New Opportunities...

There is a new job opportunity available with our Communications Group at HQs.  I am seriously considering applying for it.  The idea of moving to the DC area is both exciting and scary.  I learned more about the job today and walked away from the conversation feeling like I am developing a lot of skills now that I've gone back to school that would be very useful in the new position.  When the conversation about the new job turned to "leveraging social media", I immediately thought about this blog and what I learned in my first class about Web 2.0 technologies.  I am intrigued at the opportunity to put the new skills I've been learning to actual use in something other than an academic setting.  I've been doing some research on the USF website, and learned that if I lived in VA, I could continue as a student at USF and still pay in state tuition rates.  That is definitely very appealing.  It may turn out that this Tampa girl's journey takes me in a direction I never even imagined!   


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